CMM Gezileri

Monastery Ostrog

The monastery was foundedby the MetropolitanBishop ofHerzegovinaBasil(Vasilije)in the 17thcentury. That is the place where Basildiedin 1671, and a few years laterwas canonizedanddeclared a saint. His body wasburied in the tombof the cavededicated tothe Holy Virginin theTemple.

TheMonasteryacquired the look as it has today between1923 and 1926, after a firedestroyed themainpart of the complex. Fortunately,two smallchurches- caveswere not injured,andtheyrepresent the greatest valueof the monument. The frescoesin the lower Churchhave been madeby the end ofthe 17th century. The other church,dedicated tothe Holy Cross, is situatedwithin thecaveat the upper levelof the Monastery. She was painted by the master Radule, who skillfully handled and combined the natural forms of the cave, putting murals directly onto the surface of the cliffs and the southern wall. Monastic houses are situated around the church and they, along withthe church itself,createthe beautiful sceneryaroundthis monument which makesa pleasant place tostay in. This place attracts pilgrims from all over the world. Here are the relics of St.Vasilije of Ostrog-miracle worker and healer which is respected throughout the Orthodox world. 

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